Okay, confession time: I felt like I had bombed my goals again in February. I had two trips and was down with Flu A for an entire week so I was sure I had really not hit the mark on most of the goals. But when I went to review them, I was shocked that I had completed 12 of the goals and had made progress on almost all of the other goals!
It just goes to show that setting goals and attempting to make progress on them every day and every week really does add up — and often in bigger ways that you expect!
By the way, if you’re new here, in 2025, I’m changing up the way I set goals. Instead of setting yearly goals, I’m setting monthly goals. Every month, I’ll be sharing a list of my new goals for the coming month and an update on how I did on the goals from the month before.
I felt like this approach would allow more flexibility for the unexpected and the unknown that this coming year might hold. It also gives a fresh start at the beginning of every month. And it will allow me to tailor goals to the month and what I might know it might already hold (meaning some months I know I’ll have more time and space than other months).
To categorize my goals, I’m using alliteration and five areas I want to prioritize and be intentional with my time and energy: Myself, Marriage, Motherhood, MoneySavingMom.com, and Money.
How I Did On My Goals for February
- 2 date nights. (We had one date night.)
2 at-home dates.Finish second season of the show we’re watching.
- Date with each of the older three kids.
Finish Little House on the Prairie.- Finish organizing our walk-in closet. (I worked some on this but didn’t make much headway.)
Read 20 devotionals out of How Great is Our God with the younger kids.
- Write the introduction and first chapter of my new book. (I got the introduction and some of the first chapter done. I feel like I’m finally getting my stride here.)
Create new product on budgeting for teens.
Continue to tithe 10% of our gross income.Save 10% more toward our rental house savings goal for the year.
I’m creating a tracker to track my progress on these goals every day. I used the Strides app last year and it worked well for me, but since I’m doing monthly goals, I’m thinking of trying a physical tracker and will see how that works.
My Goals for March 2025
- 2 date nights.
- 2 at-home dates.
- Finish season of show we are currently watching together.
- Finish the first chapter and write half of second chapter of my new book.
- Finish everything for launching our new One-Hour Budgeting for Teens product.
- Choose top people for second round of hiring process for a new virtual assistant role (we are likely hiring more than one virtual assistant for roles on our team from the applicants because there were so many amazing applicants and I don’t think we’re going to be able to choose just one! Application closes on Friday and we’ll be picking the top candidates by March 28.)
- Continue to tithe 10% of our gross income.
- Save 10% more toward our rental house savings goal for the year.
I’ve been using some printable trackers I found for free and customized a little on Canva and I’ve been loving that way of tracking! I’m going to stick with that again in March!
How did you do on your goals for February? Did you set any goals for March?